Saturday, 1 November 2014

The Skies n The Streets

Hello again!!!
Don't you just love the formation of the clouds sometimes?... The sky has a way of speaking to me and I dare not ignore... I just had to respond to this beautiful natural work of art.... It all comes down to one marvellous thing... God is so great!!! If not for HIM, where would we be? I thank HIM for giving us all the beauty in the world to behold, take care of, and to appreciate!!!
Check out the skies... And guess what?!?...
I took these pics with my phone (Blackberry 10) and did just a lil bit of editing to give them this hdr effect... 

I took the first 2 pics in Yola, back in 2011 with my blackberry 9790... Bold 6. I guess I've always been a lover of nature, especially the skies... I may sound crazy but the skies actually speak to me, and I always listen... by capturing their beauty.

Throw back 2011... Sunset in Yola #AUN

Throwback 2011... Sunset in Yola (It was about to rain)... Cloudy with a chance of...

Don't you just love the look of the sky?

The Sun In the Clouds

Streets Of Lagos (On a Monday Morning)... Smokey looking clouds

Smokey Looking Clouds

Ojota Bridge

The Sun In The Clouds

My Street


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